Hello! My name is Alexandra Arabak. I am a student at George Mason University. I am studying for my BA in Global Affairs, with a concentration in Global Inequalities and Resolution, and a minor in Public Health.

This website was the product of my HIST390 course taught by Dr. Gretchen Beasley. In addition to this website, we were instructed to build another site for our final project, which can be found here: http://alexandraarabak.com/VictoriaWoodhullforPresident/

The website was a project on The Life and Legacy of Victoria Woodhull: The First Female Presidential Candidate for my The Digital Past course (HIST390) for the Spring2021 semester. More information can be found under the site’s “About” page.

All blog posts on this website are relevant to HIST390 course content.

To view my personal writing, please visit my Medium here: https://alexandraarabak.medium.com

Thank you for visiting!
