Text Mining (Voyant)

Here is the link to my Voyant:


And here is a screenshot of some cool features I liked when my Voyant first popped up:

I decided when adding my text to a document to delete the source’s cover page, table of contents, references, and some details about the website that weren’t necessary in regard to the text I needed for Voyant. Otherwise, the source I found was very straightforward so I decided to leave most everything else.

The Voyant tools I liked the most were Bubbles, Cirrus and DreamScape. I liked Bubbles because it really helped me to visualize the most common words/topics about Victoria Woodhull. I really liked Cirrus because it was very eye-catching and conveyed the main parts of Victoria Woodhull across very nicely. This is one I definitely want to incorporate into my project. DreamScape was an interesting feature because it mapped out location related to my text which I hadn’t really thought about highlighting. I liked this because it outlines her life- despite not being totally all-inclusive.

I liked Voyant for the interactive and eye-catching aspects, but it didn’t really change my understanding of the text overall- I understood Victoria Woodhull and main details about her as well or maybe a little better from my own reading and research than if I had just plugged it into Voyant.

Text mining could be really helpful for looking for a specific trend in an article or form of text. For my specific article I plugged in, it was helpful but didn’t illuminate anything new for me since I already had knowledge. I think text mining could be really useful for new documents, maybe even heavy scholarly readings if I can isolate the noise around the main text to get an understanding of a big text. I think using a tool like Voyant will be helpful for basics of finding key terms and repetitions as a first-stop on a research journey.

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